Lessons in the Lutheran Confessions

Scripture Text: John 3:16

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John 3:16

From the Confessions: The Defense of the Augsburg Confession

Concerning Ecclesiastical Power – part 1

Here our opponents carry on about the privileges and immunities of the ecclesiastical estate. They add the conclusion: “Everything presented in the present article against the immunity of the churches and priests is false.” This is sheer defamation, since we have disputed other things in this article. Besides, we have frequently testified that we do not find fault with political ordinances, nor the gifts and privileges granted by princes.

Pulling It Together: The Defense of the Augsburg Confession concludes with a word on the power of the church. It insists that the church was corrupt and that this was harmful to the people in the church. Of particular interest will be the power of its bishops to determine how to obtain eternal life. So, we ought to be reminded, before we go much further, precisely how one is forgiven, justified, and saved. Those who believe on the Son whom the Father sent will have eternal life. This is not a special favor from the church, nor the result of acts of devotion. Salvation is apprehended only by faith in the Father’s great love, love that sent the Savior.

Prayer: Keep me focused on your love, Father. Amen.

This book and the one on The New Testament would be good individual studies for adults too. 

Sola offers a Bible Overview year to its Confirmation Series, with two ten-session booklets — one on The Old Testament and one on the New Testament. These books provide a step-by-step overview of the history and geography of the Scriptures, exploring the various time periods and sections of the Bible and how they connect to one another. The goal is to give students a sense for the over-arching story of Scripture, fulfilled in the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

OT Leader's Guide  • NT Leader's Guide

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