Lessons in the Lutheran Confessions

Scripture Text: Leviticus 5:4–6

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Leviticus 5:4–6

From the Confessions: The Defense of the Augsburg Confession

Concerning Monastic Vows 

Lastly, the canons themselves release many who made their vows without good judgment, as they were enticed by the tricks of the monks, or made vows under coercion by friends. Not even the canons declare these to be vows. Considering all of this, it is apparent that there are many reasons that monastic vows, such as have been made to this point, are not vows, and for this reason, is a way of life full of hypocrisy and false opinions that may be abandoned without risk.

Pulling It Together: Sometimes people make bad decisions. We all do this but one wrong decision should not necessitate a lifetime of poor choices or actions. God has provided a way out of this guilt through confession and atonement. Whatever the reasons for your past choices, confess your sins to the Lord, who is your atonement and your High Priest. Then be at peace; you are forgiven for Christ’s sake.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for cleansing me of my sins. Amen.

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