Palm Sunday

An online service of worship

Scripture Text: Isaiah 50:4–9a; Psalm 118:19–26; Philippians 2:5–11; Matthew 26:1–27:66

This is why we know of Jesus today. Long ago, at his Father’s bidding, he came to earth to be crucified. More specifically, he lived among us so that he would die for our sins, his body broken and his blood spilled in order that God’s forgiving grace could be made available to all who believe. In order for this to happen, God had to provide his grace in a just manner; the penalty of the sin of a world had to be paid. So both God and humanity must die: a human because we sinned, and God because he would pay the debt of all. And so, the Son of God became the Son of Man, setting his face like flint, determined to save those who have no strength to save themselves, wasted as they are by sin. As man, he became obedient to God, and suffered every sinner’s sentence—death so that we might live. This is why we know of Jesus today.

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